I've come to wreak vengeance on the man that killed my parents. My own little brother—an abomination, a snake in the nest.
I'm Hazel Fury—a phoenix, a killer—and I'm not leaving this insane asylum until Baz is in a body bag. Someone has to do it and that someone will be me.
Bring on your friends, little brother. Bring on death and mayhem—there's no stopping a phoenix. Nothing but you.
I'll do whatever it takes. Even if that means using a trickster you can't outmaneuver and even the big man himself—Dr. Stein.
And don't worry about being lonely in Hell...
I'll send your friends there with you.
Author Note: This book features the point of view of a new cast of characters. However, Cute but Psycho's characters are heavily featured.
CONTENT NOTES: asylum setting, dubious consent, dubious consent scientific/medical experimentation that also involves restraints, unwilling/forced commitment to a medical facility (that's also a prison), dismemberment and beheading of living people, fire, death/murder, no/low moral characters, sex deals, knotting, mild torture, assassin lead, mention of killing parents, mention of parental-guardian neglect/abuse, overbearing guardian, restraints and straitjacket use during sex, allusions to and talk about incest, obsession with a family member, celibacy, multiple forced orgasms “for therapy”, weapons, flippancy involving mental health, forced medication/injections/drugging, murder play, medical play, power imbalances (doctor/scientist x patients/inmates). Please let me know if I’ve forgotten some you think should be added.

Hazel Fury by poppypari

Gonzo by lucielart